Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Okay, Okay, I was tagged!

Here are the rules.....Each player answers the questions about themselves. At the end of the post, the player then tags 5 people and posts their names.
1) What I was doing 10 years ago: I was almost 7 months pregnant with my first baby, so I was probably ready to NOT be pregnant -
2)Five things on my to-do list today:-Clean my garage, clean the basement, finish painting, sit in the sun for a while and go for a walk!!!
3)Snacks that I enjoy:-Mountain Dew(caffeine free), nerds, pickles
4)Things I would do if I were a billionaire:I would pay off all of my debt and my families debt and randomly give money to people I feel could use it, but do it without them knowing it was me-
5)Three of my bad habits: Spoiling my kids, spending money when I shouldn't, talking to strangers.
-6)Five Places I have Lived:- Hillsdale, MI., Camden, MI., Bolivia, Detroit(just for a little while)7) Five jobs that I have had:-I haven't had 5 jobs!!! My first job was as a waitress, then I worked at a dry cleaners and after that I just became a MOM:o)
8)5 people I want to know more about (A nice way to say TAG!)....-Tanj, Lydia, Gretchen & Jennifer


Mark, Gretchen and Kendrick said...

I have already been tagged and trust me my life just ain't that interesting!

Tanjala said...

Same here. I have already been tagged. I tagged you but I see you have already been tagged. Missed you Sun.