Wednesday, October 8, 2008


Not sure what I'm going to do with my ornery little boy, Easton! I was at Jennifers today and was going through Easton's backpack...............well as I was emptying it out, I found this paper that had sentences wrote on it and in red it said, "THINK BEFORE YOU ACT". He had to write, I will not throw erasers, I will not throw erasers...................,so I asked him about it and he just starts crying! I still don't know what exactly happened, I'm going to get ahold of his teacher tomorrow and ask her! He had to write the sentences and didn't get to go out for recess! So, I'm sure he didn't like that very well! I guess 2 or 3 other boys were doing it too! He said that he wasn't throwing them AT someone, they were just playing but WHO KNOWS!!! I have a feeling this is just the beginning!!

I posted a picture of his paper that he had to write:o) Actually, I think it's kind of funny, I'm just worried about what's to come.......AAAHH!H!! Everyone KNOWS he acts like his dad, right???


Anonymous said...

hmmm please do tell me how? I believe I learned in biology this week that a child gets 75% of their traites from the mother. LOL
I know it blows all the theory that we can blame the man. NOT fair.

Life with the Crowls said...

I know what you mean. Brandon has been good so far but i know that wont last forever so i am wondering how soon the acting up will start.