Sunday, October 19, 2008

Wrong Turn Haunted Campground!!!

Beth & Ralph, Steven & Tanj and Jess & I all took the kids and went to a haunted campground Friday night! It was called the Wrong Turn Campground and Me, Malorie, Jess and Darren were the only one's brave enough to go was SCARY but really fun! I fell face first running from a creepy looking guy who was right behind me saying, "Ooooh, you smell goooood!" I was so scared I just fell to the ground and covered my head! We all had a good time, they also had the bloody butcher house, that wasn't as scary as the campground though. I got some pictures, they didn't turn out that great though......


Beth 'n Ralph Williams said...

Hellooo!!!!! I need some copies of some of your pics, and I'll share mine. thanks, Beth