Sunday, July 13, 2008

4th of July


I can't believe that Malorie is 10! It doesn't even seem possible! We went to the Kunkle parade and had a little get together at G-ma's house. She got clothes and money and that's exactly what she wanted!!!! Typical girl! She spent the money she got on MORE CLOTHES!!!!!! ( i might add that she's just like her mommy:o)

I'm adding some pictures of her birthday and of the house........I have to take some more pictures because they have the carpet in the living room, hall and stairs. It looks so nice! We moved in on Friday! We were all SO READY to come home!!!!

I also added the picture of Easton and Zach on his Harley..........Easton thought he was so cool!!!


Mark, Gretchen and Kendrick said...

HMMMM Malorie is 10 which means only 6 more years till she gets her drivers license!! Glad to hear you are back home!!

Anonymous said...

I am glad to hear that you are back in your house. Nothing like home.